Unveiling the Hidden Beauty: The Quest for a Coastal Cliff Location
In the vast world of photography and social media, I stumbled upon a breathtaking coastal cliff location featured by an elopement photographer. Intrigued by the stunning visuals, I was left with a yearning desire to discover this hidden gem for myself, especially as I had a friend flying from Michigan to join me for an editorial photo roadtrip. However, the catch was there was no exact location disclosed – a tactic often employed by photographers to distinguish their offerings and spark curiosity among potential clients. Though most folks would likely label this as "gate-keeping", sometimes in an oversaturated market it can mean the difference of getting booked and keeping food on the table. This tactic is 100% valid and can usually be remedied by simply reaching out for the answer (if you're extroverted enough to put yourself out there).
Disclaimer:** I was in fact NOT feeling extroverted enough this day, but I do love myself some internet sleuthing. **
Disclaimer:** I was in fact NOT feeling extroverted enough this day, but I do love myself some internet sleuthing. **
Understanding the photographer's strategy of revealing only a general area, and loving the idea of cracking this puzzle, I embarked on a captivating journey to unveil the mystery behind this picturesque setting. Armed with determination, the excitement of exploring with a friend and with the vague location as my only clue, my quest led me to the enchanting shores of the Oregon coast.
The average Oregonian, especially those with a love for hiking, might easily identify this trail/location; however, I moved here only about a year ago and have explored approximately 0.03% of this gorgeous state. Did it occur to me to ask local Oregonian's if they had any clue? Yes. But with a passion for exploration, research and falling down internet rabbit-holes, I dedicated six hours (maybe more like one active hour of searching in between working, haha) to scouring the vastness of the internet and meticulously studying Google Earth along the Northern Oregon coast line. The goal was clear – match the distinctive cliff and rock formations showcased in the photographer's blog posts with the coastal landscapes along the Oregon shore.
The average Oregonian, especially those with a love for hiking, might easily identify this trail/location; however, I moved here only about a year ago and have explored approximately 0.03% of this gorgeous state. Did it occur to me to ask local Oregonian's if they had any clue? Yes. But with a passion for exploration, research and falling down internet rabbit-holes, I dedicated six hours (maybe more like one active hour of searching in between working, haha) to scouring the vastness of the internet and meticulously studying Google Earth along the Northern Oregon coast line. The goal was clear – match the distinctive cliff and rock formations showcased in the photographer's blog posts with the coastal landscapes along the Oregon shore.
As I delved into the virtual realm, navigating through digital landscapes and satellite imagery, I felt the thrill of discovery and anticipation. Knowing that this would be the perfect location for the joint editorial photo trip planned fueled me even further. Each rock, every contour, and the rhythm of the waves became clues in this elaborate puzzle. It was a challenge, but it resonated with the essence of the photographer's art – the pursuit of unique, awe-inspiring locations. I let my fingers be my guide as I typed in each new keyword to take me further along in my search - much quicker than if I let my feet guide me through multiple hiking trails in person.
Eventually, after hours of meticulous scrutiny and geographical sleuthing, the pieces fell into place. The identified location emerged as a testament to the photographer's craft in not only capturing moments but also in creating an air of mystery that beckons exploration. Location scouting is as much of our job as any other part of our process. Luckily, with social media and new location apps, sometimes this is an easy task... sometimes, much like this time, what we are looking for is not obviously listed. The effort put into discovering this location was far more rewarding than if I had simply asked for the answer (and whose to say I would have even been answered in that pursuit).
This journey taught me that sometimes, the most enchanting places require effort to unveil, but are incredibly rewarding when found, especially when shared with a friend. It goes beyond the convenience of readily available information and delves into the thrill of exploration. The coastal cliffs of Oregon became more than just a backdrop; they became a symbol of the dedication it takes to find hidden beauty, turning an ordinary task into an extraordinary adventure and a memorable experience with a dear friend.
In the world of photography, the quest for the perfect location is an art form in itself, and this experience only fueled my passion for the allure of the undiscovered.
-Paige Albin
-Paige Albin